Membership News!

12 Nov 2021 by Kevin Balaam

We are the Whittlesea Bicycle Users Group (WhitBUG).
We are now out of lockdown and can start pedalling again to experience some of our great shared paths.
So come along and join us on our COVID-compliant rides. Get to meet some great people as we stop off for a coffee and a chat along the way. Everyone in the community is free to join our rides.
We would also like to encourage everyone to become a member to support the WhitBUG to lobby and advocate for improvements to your cycling network.
As an incentive to join us, WhitBUG would like to announce there are no membership fees until 1 July 2022.
Signup by completing the online form at…/membership-individual.
If you need further information just email
So join up, and we’ll see you on our rides!

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